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Meet the Missing Task Manager for Slack.

Send, receive and track your personal and team tasks.
No new apps, no new accounts – 100% inside Slack.

Featured by Slack
Add a whiteboard to room 202
No due date
Pick a hotel for our trip to Berlin
Investigate CircleCI and GitHub Actions
In 5 days
Please send me last year's P&L
In 2 weeks
LaserJet needs new toner
In 3 days
Can I update to iOS 14 already?
New employee joining
In 6 days
Discuss In-App Purchases with Apple
5 days overdue
Refactor settings screen into SwiftUI
September 28
Update my bank account
April 20
Edit podcast episode 202
In 1 day
Reduce the file size of this PDF
My Screen is Flickering
In 2 days

Proudly working with more than 1,000 teams around the world

So what exactly do we do?

Let’s have a quick look at our key features, and we’ll try to cut the marketing lingo. 

A Perfect Overview Over All Your Tasks, 100% in Slack

Regular Slack channels keep scrolling and scrolling. With Sidequest, your Slack app gains a new, persisting task overview. Come here to see your current tasks, and to monitor those you are waiting for.

The Sidequest App Home Screen.Viewing a task in Sidequest.A conversation inside Sidequest.

A Single Point of Truth for All Tasks in Your Team

Always have a shared understanding about the status of tasks so you'll no longer need to wonder: Is it done? Is it still pending? Who is looking after it? What's the deadline? When should we start working on it?

Task-Based Communication

Use the power of native Slack threads to communicate right inside tasks, creating a shared task history and reducing ambiguity. You can even exchange files!

Send Task-Tickets to Team Members, Channels, or Yourself

Provide each Slack workspace member with a personal task inbox, and set up additional shared ticket inboxes in channels – these are great for IT, HR, infrastructure and other internal helpdesks.

Selecting the recipient for a Sidequest.

Sounds useful?

Our users from all around the world agree. Here are some of the things that Sidequest helps them with.

At Reflectiz, we have been using Sidequest to manage development tasks in our Slack workspace since one of the first betas. Our main goal was to find a solution, which can enable us to manage the entire task handling process, without leaving Slack to external applications. Tracking tickets directly inside Slack has significantly streamlined our processes, and we greatly enjoy that many of our suggestions have found their way into the product.

Idan Cohen
Co-Founder & CEO

On top, we help over 100 companies track their tasks in…


Office Management

Human Resources

Facility Management

Software Engineering

Why is everyone so excited?

Sidequest combines the best features of helpdesk systems and modern task managers.

Personal Task Managers.

They may be easy to approach, easy to use and everybody has their favorite, but in practice, they are like little silos – there is no single point of truth, and they are largely hidden from the outside. This can result in confusion, ambiguity and inefficiencies. 

It has to be a Sidequest!

Sidequest combines the best of both worlds and brings the power of industry-grade issue management to your workplace.

Easy and approachable
Works in your existing Slack environment
Only as formal as it needs to be
Does not get in your way
Provides for better shared understanding
Tried and tested in large installations

Professional Helpdesk Systems.

They've been around for ages and are great for getting a shared understanding of tasks, but it often feels a bit like they are stuck in the past. Especially for internal use, where they are often just too clumsy, inaccessible and awkward.

Sidequest Logo

Why is everyone so excited?

Sidequest combines the best features of helpdesk systems and modern task managers.

Personal Task Managers.

They may be easy to approach, easy to use and everybody has their favorite, but in practice, they are like little silos – there is no single point of truth, and they are largely hidden from the outside. This can result in confusion, ambiguity and inefficiencies. 

It has to be a Sidequest!

Sidequest combines the best of both worlds and brings the power of industry-grade issue management to your workplace.

Easy and approachable
Works in your existing Slack environment
Only as formal as it needs to be
Does not get in your way
Provides for better shared understanding
Tried and tested in large installations

Professional Helpdesk Systems.

They've been around for ages and are great for getting a shared understanding of tasks, but it often feels a bit like they are stuck in the past. Especially for internal use, where they are often just too clumsy, inaccessible and awkward.

Sidequest Logo

10 Minute Tour

Discover how to use the most important features of Sidequest.